The globe of Star Wars has expanded exponentially through the many authors that have contributed to Legends and the overall diverseness and history of the galaxy, far far away. The strangest and most awe-inspiring of creatures inhabit the vast world of George Lucas, and some of them are capable of living for hundreds, fifty-fifty thousands of years.

Certain representatives of these stunning species are well-known characters and others - not so much. Here are the x creatures who are in possession of the longest life-spans in the Star Wars universe and the respective number of years they can live upwardly to.

10 Wookies - More 400 Years

Over ii-meters alpine, extremely hairy and armed with the natural talent of a fighter, the Wookies will ever exist dear to whatever true Star Wars fan because a member of their kind is the one and only Chewbacca.

The Wookies that didn't spend their time hanging around silvery-tongued scoundrels or participating in rebellions enjoyed very peaceful lives in general. Their society was very civilized and well-organized. Wookies lived in treehouses and their home planet was Kashyyyk, a popular battleground at the very end of the Clone Wars, in which the species fought alongside the Commonwealth, every bit seen in Revenge of the Sith.

nine Yoda's Species - Up to 900 Years

Grand Master Yoda and Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian are two overwhelmingly admired representatives of this unnamed, endearing, Eastward.T-resembling species of humanoids, and it is possibly the favorite alien kind of many Star Wars fans.

These greenish beings practise not exceed 70 centimeters in height but are extraordinarily gifted in the Force, capable of achieving incredible feats through it at an extremely immature age. As a matter of fact, every single known fellow member of this kind was a Jedi or a Force user, and luckily for the galaxy - they have always been enemies of the Nighttime Side.

8 Sarlacc's Victims - 1000 Years

The worst matter most the Sarlacc - that tentacle-covered, hole-and-corner animal, which was the favorite pet of Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi isn't its advent, just rather the outcome on its devoured victims.

One time an unlucky individual ends up in its tum it volition stay alive there for a thousand years, regardless of its natural life-span, as it is existence slowly devoured. While they are non a separate alien species, all Sarlacc victims end up with the power to live for a millennium and in whatsoever other situation, they would probably welcome this "gift".

7 Maz Kanata's Species - More than than g Years

Maz Kanata is familiar in the ways of the Force and has been around for a millennium, but with that, the information almost her kind ends. There are similarities between her appearance and that of the Kumumgah species. They are both orangish, have like facial features and are short.

The most intriguing coincidence is their connection to Tatooine. The Kumumgah's homeworld also happens to be the Skywalkers, and in The Phantom Menace a effigy which very much resembles Maz Kanata can exist spotted in Anakin's room. So far, still, none of these links are confirmed.

6 Kadri'Ra - Upwardly to 1500 Years

via: yuliya zabelina

Up to 200 meters in length, resembling a dragon, and able to survive in the vacuum of space for a couple of days, the Kadri'Ra had a body with multiple arms likewise as a powerful exoskeleton and by and large resided in asteroid caverns. The fate of the species is quite depressing. Despite the fact that they are highly intelligent beings, the Empire and Galactic slave owners imprisoned many of them for the purposes of doing hard labor.

Their population was ultimately reduced x,000 times down to the bespeak when only 14,000 of their kind remained in the galaxy. Saadoon-Kauldi was a Force-sensitive member of the species that ultimately found its liberty, and his story is depicted in the part-playing game The Black Sands of Socorro.

5 Hutts - Up to 1700 Years

Jabba the Hutt is a truly despicable graphic symbol, and his appearance definitely contributes to that perception. The animal had the trunk of a jumbo slug, which was covered in slime and protected by rough, difficult to penetrate skin. Unsurprisingly, the species' mutual behavior is but as disturbing equally their looks, if not more than so.

They were known for their abiding sexual appetite, even for other species, which was evident from Jabba'south interest in Leia. Slavery was a common business concern for their kind, and to add salt to the wound, their world view was extremely selfish. Hutts had formed a powerful and tightly regulated community, and the majority of its members lived in an abundance of wealth, despite their flaws.

4 Neti - Several 1000 Years

The home planet of this sentient establish species is chosen Ryyk, and their main power was shapeshifting. The Force was strong in every member of their kind from birth. Neti could modify their size and shape at volition.

Overall, they adopted a humanoid appearance, only they could expand to up to ix meters in peak. Since they relied on photosynthesis to survive, they lived for thousands of years and reproduced every few centuries. Notable Jedi and Sith that were representatives of this unique course of life were Jedi Primary Garnoo, Ood Bnar, T'ra Saa and Dail'Liss.

3 Duinuogwuin - 6000 Years

An culling name for this winged species is Star Dragon; it is also much easier to think and pronounce. Similar but far more powerful than the Kadri'Ra, these formidable space beasts could exist every bit long as three kilometers. Fully able to survive in space for months, the history of the Duinuogwuin was shrouded in secrecy.

They could create cold fusion through their organs, which was dozens of times more than powerful than a regular turbo laser and provided them with the destructive power of a Star Destroyer. Star Dragons could besides naturally levitate on any planetary surface.

2 Gen'Dai - 4000 to 7000 Years

To some caste, the Gen'Dai were immortal. They could endure almost any and all injuries and lacked vital organs or bones. Their bodies were composed of muscles and nerves, usually built in a humanoid shape. The Gen'Dai could regenerate quickly, which is why they could overcome wounds, regardless of their level of severity.

Their senses were powerfully developed and that ensured their gainsay superiority. A prominent member of the species was Durge - the formidable warrior that fought confronting the Jedi during the Clone Wars, taking out a couple of Masters in the process. A memorable battle between him and Obi-Wan Kenobi was depicted in Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars animated show.

1 Sarlacc - Up to 50 000 Years

Rare in the galaxy and yet near fully independent, the Sarlacc was hunted just past two massive dragons - one from Tatooine and one on Aargonar. So, even if it existed in captivity, like the one that was in service of Jabba the Hutt, it really didn't have whatever worries or problems whatsoever.

Similar an iceberg in the ocean, only the peak function of a Sarlacc was visible to those who laid eyes on it. The residual of his body was entrenched upward to 100 meters within the globe. Very few individuals have escaped a Sarlacc, such every bit Boba Fett and Starkiller from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

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