I Could Fly in a Past Life. Im Going to Learn How to Do It Again.

Intermediate (Lesson eight)

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Warm up!

Ask questions to the statements below. Use present perfect continuous & "how long …" phrase.

Barbara is going shopping.

Nick is cycling.

They know each other.

The boy is cooking.

The mother is reading a story.

Toy is sleeping.

Grammar Revision. Nowadays Perfect Continuous.

Look at the pictures and fill up the blanks.

i. Tom  all day long.
2. They  about their husbands for iii hours.
iii. George  the newspaper since he arrived.
4. Jimmy  for half an hour. He wants a processed.
five. I feel so tired considering  all dark long.
half-dozen. She's moisture because she  in the rain.


Annotate on the following points. Apply Present Perfect Continuous in your oral communication.

  • A sport you play regularly
  • Something you are learning to do
  • A friend yous know very well
  • A mag / paper you read regularly
  • A bar or a restaurant you oft go to
  • A thing you lot have and which is very important for you
  • A society, organization, gym, etc. you are a fellow member of
  • A marker of car yous bulldoze
  • The place where you alive


Tin you think of one way that a holiday could alter your life for the amend? You are going to read an article most 2 people whose lives were changed by a holiday. Read and answer the questions about each woman.

Information technology Was Just a Holiday But It Changed My Life

Holidays can exist good for your wellness. Yous lie on a beach and relax, and tensions disappear. Simply sometimes a holiday can change your life completely, which is what happened two years ago to Victoria Smith and Sally Gook.

Victoria Smith, six years agone, was working equally a manager at Side by side, a British chain store. So she went on vacation to Borneo…
'It was a working holiday,' said Victoria, 'where you could study orangutans in the wild – I have always been interested in apes, and so I thought it would be fun.' The holiday was wonderful, and when Victoria came domicile she found it very difficult to return to her old life. 'Suddenly the problems in the shop simply seemed so trivial.' Although everybody told her she was mad, she decided to go back to academy and study biological science. Four years later she became a chimpanzee keeper.
For the last two years Victoria has been working at Monkey Globe, a center in south-w England which looks after apes which have been ill-treated. Many accept been rescued from laboratories and circuses all over the world. She works long hours, and the payment isn't very practiced, but she loves it. 'Apes are like a big family, each with their own personality.'
'I'1000 actually happy now. Since I started working hither I feel that I've been doing something important, not simply wasting my life.'

Sally Gook wakes upwards every morning time to a deep bluish heaven and blazing sun. For the final two years she has been living on the tiny Greek island of Lipsi, which is just xvi square kilometres in size and has a population of but 650.
But until a few years ago she lived in London. 'I was working for American Limited and I had a good social life and earned a lot of coin. But I had to become upwards very early every forenoon, oft in horrible weather, and get a train and the tube to piece of work.'
Then one twenty-four hours she and a friend decided they needed a relaxing vacation, and they came to Lipsi. 'I loved it – the people, the mountains, the dominicus, and the delicious food. Suddenly I knew there was a different life waiting for me here.' A few months afterward she applied for a chore at the travel visitor which had organized her holiday.
Since so she has been living on Lipsi and working as a tourist guide. Her beau, who is Greek, is a farmer. Sally said, 'I've but been back to London once, and I can't imagine ever living there once more.'


What is she doing now?
What was she doing before?
What made her change her life?
How does she feel now?

Vocabulary Study.

A) Match the words with definitions.

the tube sick-treatedpifflingapplied for delicioustinyblazingapes keeper mad

1) a lilliputian importance —
2) crazy —
3) a person who looks afterward animals (e.g. in a zoo) —
4) animals like big monkeys —
5) non looked after well —
6) the underground in London —
vii) very tasty —
8) asked for (in writing) —
9) burning brightly —
ten) very small —

B) Write synonyms for strong adjectives.

1) The island'southward tiny — just xvi square kilometers. = very
2) The food in Lipsi was succulent. = very
three) Her begetter'southward furious. She crashed his motorcar. = very
4) I'm terrified of flying. I never travel by plane. = very
5) I've been working all day. I'm exhausted. = very
6) It's going to be boiling tomorrow — most 40 C! = very
7) Can I take a sandwich? I'm starving. = very
viii) The flat's enormous. It's got five bedrooms. = very
9) I'yard non going to swim. The water's freezing. = very
10) Your car's filthy. Why don't you wash it? = very
11) That'south a nifty idea! Let'due south practice it. = very
12) This book'south awful. I can't finish it. = very

C) Make full the gaps with strong adjectives.

one. Are you hungry?
Yep, I`k

ii. Was your mother angry?
Yes, she was

iii. Is her flat small?
Yes, information technology`s

four. Are you lot tired?
Yep, I`thousand

5. Is the flooring dingy?
Yes, it`southward

half-dozen. Are you afraid of spiders?
Yes, I`k of them

Now listen and bank check if your answers are correct.


Look at the pictures. How do the people await? What exercise you think has been happening? Listen and cheque. What have they been doing? Complete the sentences.

1. Sharon and Kenny
2. The human
iii. The human being and adult female and


Look at the adjectives and imagine that yous are wearied, filthy, etc. Think of an explanation for each i. And then in pairs, invent a brusque dialogue using each adjective.

exhausted filthy furious very stressed very cherry


Watch the video and reply the questions.

i) Did Jane move together with Matt?
2) What happened when they were arguing?
three) Are in that location any neighbors in that firm?
iv) Why has Jane decided to move into a new place?
v) Is Jane in love with Matt?
6) What is Matt interested in?
7)Why is Matt eager to borrow coin from David?
viii)What were Jane'due south housewarming presents?

Vocabulary Study.

These words and phrases are from the video you lot've watched. What is their pregnant?

      • You can't judge a volume by its cover —
      • over at that place —
      • let me give you a paw —
      • feel really cramped —
      • water heater —
      • to be acme quality-
      • do me a favor —
      • that was my mistake —
      • continue the noise down —
      • I'grand off to a rehearsal with my band —
      • gigs —
      • telly —
      • that's beyond repair —
      • housewarming present —

Vocabulary Practise.

A) Written report and Practice the following information.

Nouns can be combined to make a new word or phrase. These are called compound nouns. They are written in different means.

Fill the gaps with the words which can make three chemical compound nouns:

1. tooth

B) Hither are definitions of some compound nouns from the previous task. Guess what the words are.

      • A pain in your tooth or teeth.
      • A place where airplanes take off and land.
      • A person whose job is to cut and style people's hair.
      • The fourth dimension when the dominicus goes downwards and night begins.
      • A place where there are lots of different kinds of shops.

Discover mistakes in these sentences. What is correct variant?

1) Ouch! Y'all've been cutting my finger.
two) I'm really distressing, but I've been crashing into the dorsum of your car.
3) What fourth dimension did you get to bed at last nighttime?
iv) What have you washed last weekend?
5) How long have you been knowing your teacher?
6) When is your female parent born?
7) They have been studying English language since 3 years.
8) Jim is going to report Italian in adjacent month.
9) How long you live in this town?
10) Linda has gone to bed 3 hours agone.



Source: https://fluenglish.com/uroki/intermediate-lessons/intermediate-lesson-8

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